The Miscellenious Page

Where "Everything Else" Is

Pirate Alert?

The possible piracy has been dispelled. It turns out a few pirates were looking for wallpaper for their day care center... whew!

Yahoo Chat!

Yahoo! hosted an Al Chat on Nov 1999. I was there, asked 4 questions, got 1 answered, chatted with fellow AlHeads, and then my browser shoo'ed me off with about 15 minutes left! :( At least I got a question answered! :)
It was really fun, maybe I should do more chatting more often...

The World Famous Alberquerque Holiday Inn!

From Oct 6-15, I went with my Dad to Sacramento, CA and back to pick up some hardware he'd gotten on Ebay. In the first leg of our journey, we landed in Alberquerque, and *indeed* there is a Holiday Inn! We stopped by to take some pictures; sadly we didn't get to stay there or even go inn (all puns inntended)!

Coming soon, I'll post the pix we took, along with our 30-minute stay in that "little place."


One day, Mike Boon, a reporter for the Canadian newspaper The Calgary Herald posted to amw-a asking for fans' comments and opinions on various questions he had about "Weird Al" Yankovic.

Here is the acutal post:

Hi there,
I am a newspaper reporter with the Calgary Herald in Alberta, Canada who is currently doing an article on the lasting appeal of "Weird Al" Yankovic. I have been a fan of "Weird Al" right from the beginning and I thought by getting some response from die-hard "Weird Al" fans such as yourselves, I could get more positive comments about "Weird Al" for the article. I would really like this to work, so could you email me back with the responses to the following questions? Emails should be sent to because my email system doesn't work well on this computer.

The questions are:
What is your name, age, job and town of residence? (this is necessary for descriptive purposes)
What do you think contributes to the lasting appeal of "Weird Al"?
Do you think he deserves more success than he already has?
What do you think of his new album (especially in comparison to other Al-bums)?
Where do you see "Weird Al" going in the future?
What do you think is the general public opinion of "Weird Al"?
Do you have any questions for me?

Thanks for responding. If you would like me to email a copy of the completed article to you, please let me know.

Mike Boon
Calgary Herald Film Critic

To see the completed article, click on the above link.

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