

SPREADSHEETS_OF_BAND_RECOVERY_AND_SOURCES:            This is the overall table of the number of bands recovered from each source for different species.  It links the actual spreadsheets used in other charts and maps.

LINKED_TABLE_OF_BAND_RECOVERY_SOURCES:           This is the summary table of the number of bands recovered from each source for different species.  It includes links to the maps for those recovery dispersions.

NESTING AREA BANDING:         This area looks specifically at the traditional nesting areas across the northern tier of states and the Canadian provinces and provides color-coded maps of the dispersion of band recoveries from these areas. 

·        Species-specific maps of the areas with significant recoveries of their bands for 12 different species, sorted by species.

·        Total band recovery maps for the 9 states and provinces.

SOUTHERN STATE BANDING:   This area looks specifically at the southern tier of states as “destinations” and provides color-coded maps of the dispersion of band recoveries from these areas. 

·        Species-specific maps of the areas with significant recoveries of their bands for 12 different species, sorted by species.

·        Total band recovery maps for the 10 states.

·        Maps of total bands recovered IN these states.

MISC. BANDING INFO:     This area looks at various aspects of the banding info that is not included in other sections.

·        Recovery dispersion maps for Mallards banded in 40 states.

·        Species-specific maps of recovery dispersion for bandings in South Carolina.

·        Species-specific maps of recovery dispersion for bandings in North Carolina.

·        Species-specific maps of source dispersion for recoveries in South Carolina.

·        Maps of source dispersion for Mallard recoveries in selected states.