Early Intervention is a home-based program that offers services to families of children with developmental disabilities up to age six who meet South Carolina Disabilities and Special Needs criteria. Services include identification of infant/toddler needs, service coordination, plan development, referral, advocacy, parent training/counseling, monitorship, and continuous evaluation of the child's progress.

The early interventionist is a trained and qualified specialist in early intervention services. The early interventionist works with other professionals and the family to help the child, in all areas where he or she may need help. This may include providing assistance with independent living, self-help skills and speech language skills.

Early intervention services help the child develop skills he or she is lacking. This will help the child mainstream into the public school system with little or no difficulty. Other benefits are:

    The infant/toddler is maintained in the family setting.

    All services focus on the family, and community networks and
       resources are used to help families make effective decisions
       for their child.

    The early interventionist visits with the child and the family at
       their home or in other locations designated by the family.

    The early interventionist uses a variety of methods of
       training with the family and child based on the child's individual

If you are a Sumter County resident and you are concerned that your child is not developing basic skills such as learning to crawl, sit, stand, walk or talk, he or she may be eligible for services. All services are free and vary according to the needs of your child. For more information call 803-778-1669 ext. 20.